Keep Your Workers Safe While Saving Time And Money
With titles covering OSHA, OSHA 10 & 30, HAZWOPER, HR, EPA, DOT, MSHA, Construction Safety, Canadian Safety & Health, Electric Utility, Food Safety, NFPA 70E Arc Flash, plus free Learning Management System you can train your employees
Anytime / Anywhere
With Safety U’s Online Safety Training courses, safety pros can provide engaging, consistent, standardized training experiences for any industry virtually anytime or anywhere they need with course content to match regulatory standards.
Safety U will...
Train Anytime/Anywhere...
Always Updated and Engaging.
Compliance online training paired with our easy-to-use learning management system (LMS) helps safety professionals meet regulatory compliance needs and keep the workplace safer.
300+ courses on topics such as: Hazard Communication, Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP), Heat Stress, PPE Fundamentals, Slips, Trips, and Falls, Fire Extinguisher Safety, Back Safety and Injury Prevention, Lockout Tagout, OSHA 10/30 & MSHA Training, and more!

Online Learning Management System
Tracking & Reporting
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Multi-Language and Branded Interface