First Aid - Musculoskeletal Injuries
Learning objectives
Identify common limb injuries and explain how to initially respond to a victim with a fracture, sprain or dislocation
Recognize when a victim may have a back, neck or head injury
Identify the initial actions to take for someone whom you suspect has a back, neck or head injury
Course overview
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2013, Musculoskeletal Injuries cases accounted for 33% of all worker injury and illness cases. Knowing how to care for these injuries properly when they happen can make a huge difference in someone’s life. Knowing the proper first aid technique can be the difference between someone being affected for the next 2 weeks and the rest of their life.
The goal of this course is to provide important, accurate information about Musculoskeletal Injuries and how to care for them.

English, Spanish

Mobile Ready

11 min
Course Outline
Course Outline
The Accident
Suspected Limb Injuries
Suspected Back, Neck, and Head Injuries
The Response
2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science with Treatment Recommendations. Circulation 132 suppl 1 (2015):S2-S268.
2015 International Consensus on First Aid Science with Treatment Recommendations. Circulation 132, suppl 1 (2015): S269-S311.
2015 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Circulation 132, suppl 1 (2015): S315-S573.
2015 American Heart Association and American Red Cross Guidelines Update for First Aid. Circulation 132, suppl 1 (2015): S574-S589.
Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (RICE); University of Michigan, 3/2019.

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