Valve Safety - Spanish
Learning objectives
Describe what valves do, the materials they can consist of, and their various uses.
Describe the different types of valves and how they function.
Identify the potential consequences of valve incidents.
Explain the purpose of a hazard analysis, when to conduct one, and what one should include.
List best safe safety practices for working with valves.
Identify the symptoms of MSDs (like sprains and strains) and the risk factors in the workplace that contribute to the development of MSDs.
List the elements of proper posture, its benefits, and the steps to take to maintain it.
Explain how to apply ergonomic solutions to tasks in the workplace.
Discuss the proper selection and use of tools and personal protective equipment (PPE).
Explain lockout and tagout requirements and good housekeeping practices.
Course overview
This lesson covers valve safety and includes information on the types of valves, their purposes and characteristics; valve-related incidents that may occur in the workplace and how to prevent them; injuries that could occur as a result of valve use and how to avoid them, and best practices for selecting the right tools for a job and maintaining valves.

English, Spanish

Mobile Ready

18 min

English, Spanish

Mobile Ready

18 min
Course Outline
Course Outline
Types of Valves
Risk Assessment
Ergonomic Issues
Working Safely with Valves
29 CFR Subpart H - Hazardous Materials - 1910.110 Storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas
29 CFR Subpart H - Hazardous Materials - 1910.119 Process safety management of highly hazardous chemicals

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